Monday, September 29, 2008

Photos are gone >_<

After I finish the below posts, I visit my album, and found that many photos are being duplicate (technique issue?). So I delete the repulicate ones and I renew the articles the photos are still there. But today I went to check those articles, some photos are gone -_-

Friday, September 19, 2008

snap on / collar/ details

I used snap on buttons to attach the 2 front fabrics to the waist. Is this the rigth way? Is there another better way? coz the result is not too good (see photos). The green retangle, it's was a bit stange. Perhaps is the amount of farbic, or the way I attach them (snap on) is wrong?

See the pink circle? I think I have too much fabric there, how to fix?
Also, purple is dragging/drap/dip problem.

I didn't use a wide collar, just a short one, coz before I add the collar in the neck opening (the blue/purple triangle) look so sall, it doesn't match to have a high collar, at least that's how I feel.

Also, I'd like to have different styles of hanfu, with different styles of collar height and sizes of neck opening.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

DIY process 3 overall

Did something gone wrong? my several concerns:

1. the collar, doesn't seems right, even for a collar without interface
2. too much fabric at 'armpit to shoulder bone?
3. the waist, too.....
4. I am using those interior 'pak' metal button, to hold up the two front fabric in its place, is this the right way to do it? is there a better way?

DIY process 2 collar

I hope I am doing it right, I am kind of uncertain about how to do the collar. If you have any suggestion please let me know.

(pictures below) And it's not too flat here, is it okay? or something needs to be fix?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Blog in Confusion

I added some new functions, still trying to figure it out things. So if you know them, pls help, thanx.

At the side bar, Post and Comment, then those drop lists, what's all these?

Slide show (add gadget -> slide show), cannot show my photos, why?

What is Feed?

How to put a background image to the blog?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, I can't find a Guestbook tools here, so I just use this post for Guest Book.
Simply just "post comment" as a way to sign the guestbook.
Please sign so I know you came by, and know how to make this blog better, thank you!

Any comment you have generally for this blog?
How did you find this blog?
etc etc

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The DIY process

I want people of all level of economic power and sewing knowledge to be able to own a hanfu by possible diy. I don't want anyone excluded. In many hanfu forums, there is lack of attention to those who need help at hanfu.

I honestly don't know anything about sewing, tailoring and pattern drawing. I just guess, use my own method, and also, use pajamas as reference. I also, take a look at some pants pattern. Esp on drawing pattern, I mostly make guess.

Tools: fabric, brown paper (pattern), paper (draft, brainstorm), long ruler, grid print ruler, fabric scissor, paper scissor

I am bad at left right, vertical horizon, face and opposite. And haha, you need to be cautious on those when sewing. So I am glad, I chosen plain color fabric, that has no pattern and it's same on both sides (face and opposite), so I don't have to worry about those matters, and can put my heart more on the pattern, size and lenght, etc.

Elastic and herm not performed yet

I am making pattern and testing it by using the pattern to make a real clothes and see if I need to make more adjustment on the pattern. Such as the pants, the first one was a bit too tight on the top of the thigh大腿 circumferance. It's good if it's a dress pants, but no good for a pajamas or hanfu pants.

Elastic and herm done.

I then make another one, that is more loose on the thigh大腿 circumferance, then I found the back (near bottom and above) is a bit too short, I need to raise the length next time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008



首先請大家(寫的,讀的) ,不要一株桿打一船人,也不要針對個別人士。現在是在談論問題,和問題的情況,看看如何做,不是在互相攻擊。我現在說的是我觀察到的大氣候,並不是個別的討論區或網站。

感謝先驅們,提供畫圖作參考,讓我們有基本概念,令初踏復興路的朋友好走些。但我們不可依賴,原地踏步。至於之前提及某位商家說漢服是奢侈品(我不認識那位商家) ,或許是一時不慎的失言,不一定代表其他商家也有這樣的想法。


1 :商家不能透露商業秘密2 :私人秘譜不想透露。這些心理我理解。



要 互相協助和鼓勵(少點批評) ,大家需要互相交流研究。復興的路才有希望,才會進步。這個對大家都有益處。不會的人,如果會做了,才能夠繼續保持興趣,也才會對技術非凡高一籌的作品, 有購買欲。畢竟漢服還大部份人的眼中有點可有可無的,就是連旗袍也不是每個人都有(或覺得需要擁有) 。要延續興趣,掀起興趣,
才能夠發揚漢服,增加和保留支持者。才不會令漢服復興成為一個暫時的潮流(一個誰也不想看到的悲劇) 。


… ..我希望這個班大家互相學習。會的教不會的。教會別人,會讓自己更懂。有時候你以為你懂了,但是教同學的過程中才會真的把東西弄通。而且當你把同學教會了,你就多一個朋友。每個人擅長的科目都不同,下次你不會就有一堆人來教你。 … ..

… ..我算給大家聽。一個題目你可能有一個妙招,但是同學都很聰明,也許根本有十個人有妙招。你不講,想說,一講出來妙招就沒了,太吃虧。但是如果每個人都講出來,你就學到另外九個妙招。這樣你是吃虧還是佔便宜?
… ..

我們… … ...養成互相教,互相學習的習慣, … ..漢服復興才有生存,成長和發展的機會。對各方面的人士都有益處。



-主動點,例如如果有一個討論是某夫子寫的疑難區,專為有疑難的人提供的管道。那其他人也不要只是坐在這裡看,也可以到那個地方幫幫忙(出一點力) ,不要覺得說那個地方是某夫子解答的地方,關我什麼事情。在這個社會,大家要主動點互相幫忙,才有進步的。

- 有疑難的人,最好先自己在網路搜尋一下,找不到才問。但是…大家如果再看到有人貼重複的問題,也不要一味說“你去找一下資料: ”這樣跟沒有答的沒兩樣。網路資料和各個論壇的帖子眾多,就是一個討論區也有很多頁。用中文字作為關鍵字從來都是比較難搜尋的。還有一些論壇的搜尋器常常 失靈,這怎麼找呢。
(又或許他的電腦比較慢,不是人人也有經濟能力有一部快的電腦) ,所以請大家互相體諒,將心比己。不厭其煩的

Cultural and Historical Costumes

I like costumes from China, whether is different historical period or different ethnic groups. And I wish one day people will know hanfu is part of Chinese culture and history too, just like costumes from the 55 others ethnic groups.

I don't really agree that some people criticize other culture and their costumes, esp in some hanfu forums, which may cause some negative impression on the hans. Each culture got their pros and cons. And as global citizens, we can learn from each other.

I think hanfu is nice. And qing zhuang is nice, and so as the miao's 苗 etc, etc.

When there are events and festivals, Japanese and Korean would wear their traditional costumes (Kimono and Hanbok). Such as the Adult ritual, Japanese will would kimono, or fireworks gala, they hear yukata. Or sometimes I see Indian ladies wear saree as daily wear, going on buses. And in places such as 麗江古城,and Tibet, you can still see sometimes people wear their traditional costumes.

I wish one day the Hans will do the same or similar too. I like hanfu, since I was a kid, I think it's very nice and pretty. And I think it's neccessary for people to know that hanfu is part of Chinese culture and history too, and it should be keep and preserve.

Hanfu Gathering

I wish there is hanfu meetup in my city, similar to those in China. I guess only chance to wear hanfu here is wait for Halloween or attending cosplay meetup, when there is one.

I wish there can be some sort of hanfu gathering event. Big or small gather is okay too, most important it's easy-going for people to join (free, location, easy requirements, etc etc) And people can just wearing hanfu, hang out, doing activities related to culture. I wish it's like a combination of cosplay, SCA and renaissance festival.